Called "consumer shows" by many, our events are...

Self-directed, permission-based marketplaces where consultative selling is resulting in dollars earned and dollars saved. There’s no more efficient way to reach tens of thousands of qualified consumers in your target market.

No other marketing opportunity delivers qualified consumers whose primary reason for attending is to obtain information to make purchase decisions—for a fraction of the cost of traditional ways of reaching this audience.

Our events are a powerful addition to your advertising mix. Unlike the audience of your mass media advertising, event audiences aren't channel surfing away from the commercials, filtering out the print ads or not seeing billboards. And for those who do see your mass media ads, is it even relevant to them?

View the Show Calendar!

Be Here and Increase Brand Awareness

Guests at our events come because they know we deliver on our promise to provide sought after information: today's hottest experts, latest technology, trendiest designs, most competitive pricing.

Placing your brand in our events creates a positive and valuable association for your company. In addition to making sales, utilize our events to help shape consumers' opinion of your brand and to generate instant credibility.

Consumers in our event environments are much more receptive to the features and benefits of your product because they attend our shows specifically to learn. And buy. They’re on a quest!  Be front and center in our vibrant marketplace when they’re looking for you.

Face-to-Face Selling Creates Trust

Our events provide an opportunity to share your product and/or service with consumers on an individual, face-to-face basis. This puts you in the driver’s seat! You can tailor your selling points to the needs and wants of each consumer… one at a time. No other marketing vehicle affords this unique and powerful approach. How much more perfect can it get?

The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR) announced research results in 2012 that further support there's no substitute for exhibiting in a show to reach your target audience.

9,215 attendees were surveyed and...

  • 8 out of 10 rate face-to-face interaction with vendors as very or extremely important in making a final buying decision.
  • Nearly one-half (48 percent) rank the show environment FIRST in value. No other option comes close; an in-person sales call from a company is a distant second at 26 percent.

A Plugged-In Employee is a Happy Employee

Our events will excite your employees because they know they’re a proven way to jump start sales—or jump start whatever it is you’re trying to jump start—by virtue of meeting tens of thousands of in-the-flesh consumers! Employees are often directly involved in the creation of a company’s on-site offering. We encourage this because those working the event will prove to be more engaged and more successful if they’re vested. Let us know if we can help get them involved in any way.

We're ready to partner with you.

At Marketplace Events, we're dedicated to creating effective partnerships to help you access more consumers in your markets. Give us a shout and let’s customize a partnership program that will exceed your marketing objectives… and make your boss proud!

Watch a timelapse of the 2015 Centerpiece Home - Built by Fischer Homes - at the Indianapolis Home Show